What is a Brow Lift?
As we age, our brow can assume a flattened position, creating a tired, sad, or grumpy appearance. A brow lift is a procedure done to tighten tissues on the forehead to create a more youthful appearance of the forehead, upper eyelids, and eyebrows.
Who is a Good Candidate?
Individuals who have a low or sagging brow that hangs over the upper eyelid, have deep horizontal creases on the forehead, or have lines between the eyebrows or across the top of their nose can often benefit from a brow lift. An evaluation by Dr. Ehrmantraut during a consultation can help to determine if you would benefit from this procedure.
The Procedure
The brow lift procedure can be done using a selection of techniques. These include an open brow lift and an endoscopic brow lift.
Open Brow Lift: During an open brow lift, a long incision will be created across the forehead around the hairline or in a forehead crease. The skin will be lifted, muscles loosened, and fat removed. Excess skin will then be pulled down, and sutures will be placed.
Endoscopic Brow Lift: An endoscopic brow lift is done using an endoscope, or a long thin tube with a camera attached. This endoscope will be inserted through several small incisions in the scalp, and helps Dr. Ehrmantraut to see and work on the forehead structures.
The type of brow lift performed will depend on your individual anatomy and aesthetic goals. Dr. Ehrmantraut will work to create natural-looking results that you can enjoy long-term.
Following a brow lift, patients may experience bruising, swelling, and numbness. Discomfort can be controlled with pain medication. Icing the area around the eyes for 48 hours following surgery can help to reduce swelling. Some patients may be able to return to work within a week and full daily activities within a few weeks.
If you are interested in obtaining a more youthful look with a brow lift, contact our office today to schedule a consultation. We serve patients in the southern Maryland, Annapolis and Arlington, VA areas.
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